Booking Services
- Reservations can be made by Booking Online via the Booking, Email, WhatsApp, Phone Call form
- Complete & make sure the data you send is correct Name, Date, Time, Contact Number, Email Address, Number of Participants.
Payment method
- Down Payment is 25% of the total cost for each reservation
- Down Payment is made after your reservation is confirmed by our team
- To transfer for Down Payment is made through Bank Account Transfer, Paypal Account and Account Information will be provided after you make a reservation.
- After you make a Down Payment, please inform us by sending confirm payment Via Email, Whatsapp Number with Proof of Transfer.
- The Balance of payment is done in case at meeting point of pick-up tour by our team
Cancellation policy
- If in any cases you really need to cancel your booking, please write us back and please note that we will be trying to persuade you to reschedule your trip. Basically we don’t want to charge you any cancellation fee.however, it may apply for individual service supplied by our partners or other third parties under their term and condition.
Travell insuran
- We always assumed good things are happening to our trip. However , we would advise you to cover your trip with cancellation insurance cost, luggage, accident, liability as well as health insurancel ( illnes, death,medical evacuation ),because it is not include in the cost of our service.
Make Your Reservations Now